Reporting Claims

Reporting Claims – Architects/Engineers Professional Liability Policy


Your firm is responsible for reporting a claim or circumstance to the insurance company as soon as your firm is aware of the situation.  This enables the insurance company to provide defense, if needed, on the claim and best defend your firm on the claim or circumstance.

When reporting a claim the insurance company will need the notice of claim, demand or details of the circumstance.  Details such as what is the error or omission, dates, entities involved, possible claimants, professional services provided, potential damages or injury and when your firm became aware of the circumstance.  After the initial claim is submitted the insurance company may ask for additional information such as the contract, drawings and emails.

The insurance company claims representative will be in contact with your firm on the best way to approach the claim situation.  They want to make sure your firm is protected during the claims process.  They may set up a local attorney to help in the claim or circumstance.  That attorney will also be in contact with your firm to determine the best way to approach the claim.

Keep in mind that many insurance companies also offer pre-claims assistance.  If your firm has a situation that seems to be headed in a bad direction the insurance companies are there to assist in that situation.  First, they want to make sure your firm is protected and second, they realize that you have a relationship with your client and want to keep that protected as well.  The pre-claims assistance is there to help your firm out so that it doesn’t lead to a claim and to maintain your firm’s relationship with the client.

The claims process can be stressful but both your insurance company and agent are here to help in any way possible.  Please call or email with any questions.

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