Client Wants to be a Certificate Holder for your Policies?

Client Wants to be a Certificate Holder for your Policies?

What does that mean?  A certificate holder is provided evidence of insurance, similar to an auto ID card.

The certificate of insurance provides the name of the insured, insurance agent’s contact information, insurance companies your firm is insured with, the policy types, policy numbers, effective dates of the policies, limits of liability, additional insured and waiver of subrogation. The certificate holder, with the client name and address, will be mailed or emailed the certificate of insurance to verify that it meets the contract requirements.

The certificate holder will also be updated on policy renewals. Your firm can request that a specific certificate holder is sent an updated certificate of insurance for renewals.

Keep in mind this does not replace the policies themselves, it is simply providing evidence of insurance. The certificate of insurance is a high level snapshot of the policies and claims are paid on the policy itself.

Your design firm may also require certificates of insurance from your sub consultants. This is important to maintain records of the certificates of insurance in the event of a claim. Your firm will then have policy information on your sub consultant to submit a claim if needed.

The certificate of insurance may also include the additional insured language. Again, this does not replace the policy but it does, for general liability, let your client know they are additional insured as required by contract. The waiver of subrogation may be another request on certificates of insurance.

If your firm has any questions with regards to certificate holders on a certificate of insurance please call or email your Professional Underwriters agent for assistance.certificate holder



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